1. Generate a random initial tour T. 2. Let i = 1. Choose t1. 3. Choose x1 = (t1,t2) in T. 4. Choose y1 = (t2,t3) not in T such that G1 > 0. If this is not possible, go to Step 12. //Pourquoi pas Step 11 ? 5. Let i = i+1. 6. Choose xi = (t2i-1,t2i) in T such that (a) if t2i is joined to t1, the resulting configuration is a tour, T’, and (b) xi <> ys for all s < i. If T’ is a better tour than T, let T = T’ and go to Step 2. //Seulement s'il y a une alternative non essayée pour t1. Donc plutôt : go to Step 12. 7. Choose yi = (t2i,t2i+1) not in T such that (a) Gi > 0, (b) yi <> xs for all s <= i, and //Mais comme yi est choisi tel qu'il n'appartienne pas à T, et que pour tout s <= i, xs est choisi dans T, yi et xs sont forcément différents. Donc ce serait plutôt "yi et xs sont disjoint" au lieu de "yi <> xs. (c) xi+1 exists. If such yi exists, go to Step 5. 8. If there is an untried alternative for y2, let i = 2 and go to Step 7. 9. If there is an untried alternative for x2, let i = 2 and go to Step 6. 10. If there is an untried alternative for y1, let i = 1 and go to Step 4. 11. If there is an untried alternative for x1, let i = 1 and go to Step 3. 12. If there is an untried alternative for t1, then go to Step 2.